Become Part of La Familia
This year, we were able to bring a record breaking 50 members to the National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. Come join us and further you professional development and have a chance to attend next year's National Convention in Anaheim, California
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Chapter Benefits
Resume Building
Chance to attend the National SHPE convention
Professional Development
Internship opportunities
Fun social activities
SHPE National Convention
SHPE national convention is the country's largest annual gathering of Hispanics STEM students and professionals. It’s a convention that holds multiple workshops where you can further develop your professional skills and network with other students. It also a place where you can land your dream job, or even just practice interviewing for the future.

Membership Bylaws
Article 1: Section 1
Article 1: Section 2
There are no dues required to gain membership. As an undergraduate or graduate student at Virginia Tech, you will be eligible to join SHPE at VT.
In order to attend the SHPE National Convention or Regional Conference you must register and become a national member, which requires yearly dues in the year in which conferences are to be attended.
Article 2
SHPE at VT has 14 active members on the executive board. All of which help plan, organize, and run chapter events. The following lists all roles associated: President, Vice President of Internal Relations, Vice President of External and Company Affairs, Conference Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, Outreach Chair, Public Relations, Webmaster, SEC Representative, Freshman Representative, Graduate Chair, Graduate Vice-Chair, Graduate Treasurer
Article 2: Section 1
Article 2: Section 2
All roles except for the SEC Representative are available to run for. The day of elections, all candidates will speak for 1-2 minutes on the position they are running for. Once all candidates have gone, an online poll will open until midnight of that day for members to vote. Results are released that same night or the following morning by the current President.
The application process will consist of submitting a one page powerpoint slide detailing why you would make a good candidate and one new idea you plan on bringing to the e-board. In addition to the slide, all candidates will submit a short essay further describing their qualifications.